Friday, July 6, 2012


There are actually varying degrees of the paleo diet, of.....paleo-ism?  Not sure if that’s a word coined in the paleo community yet but if not, I’ll take credit for it...along with “paleo-ish”, which is a word I’m starting to use more often to describe some of the recipes I’ve been thinking about.  :)

The strict paleo diet completely eliminates all grains, beans/legumes, processed foods, fermented foods, processed sugar, dairy, salt, alcohol and many other items.  The first few items make sense.  Eliminating grains, processed foods, etc., is an integral part of the diet but the rest may be too extreme for a good number of those who simply want to incorporate the paleo diet into their lives.

I want to support the hard-core with recipes and ideas that are paleo worthy and foodie in taste.  I absolutely hope that they find value and good recipes from my site, and if not, that they leave their opinions and feedback.  Having said that, I also want my blog to be fun and useful to the following:
  •    those who are just starting to explore paleo,
  •    those who want to incorporate some paleo dishes into the meal rotation,
  •    those just looking for creative new dishes,
  •    and those who adhere fully to the paleo diet but practice a more, dare I say, modern approach to cavemen to eating. 
The last group are people who may see the benefit of paleo, but also see that there may be health and/or taste benefits from things like tofu, honey, or vinegar, or even adding some salt.  The benefits are more than worth the supposed trade offs.   

Of course, I am not a paleo expert, anthropologist, nutritionist, or anything medical related.  I’m not asserting the paleo diet is the best diet for everyone, nor am I asserting that it is the healthiest.  I do, personally, believe it has many benefits, and so I’m actively seeking ways to maximize the benefits by creating recipes that you and I can use every day, or every other day, or however want.                   

For the hard core paleo community, I hope you do not take offense that my recipes may not all be 100% “kosher” so to speak, and that there will be some that are just “paleo-ish”.  For everyone else, please use my recipes as a way to add paleo healthy & tasty dishes into your meals and to reach what personal goals you may have in health and fitness.     

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