Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Chocolate Dream Dream...

The nearest Whole Foods from where I live is over 17 miles away so sadly, I do not go there as often as I would like (which is probably a good thing for my wallet).

When I am able to make the trip I love walking up and down every aisle perusing the produce section and all the shelves of foodie goodies that I do not find at the usual grocery stores in my area.  Last weekend I was there, walking aimlessly and happily through the aisles when I came across these bags of dairy-free and gluten-free chocolate chips called Chocolate Dream.

I bought two bags immediately and popped one open as soon as I got into the car.  I put a few chips in my mouth and tasted the chocolatey gooeyness as the chips slowly melted.  They were delicious and I knew I had to make paleo chocolate chip cookies with these.  In fact, I made two batches and they tasted great!     

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