It's me. And I suppose it's you too, if you're reading this right now.
On my first blog-A Foodie's Journey Through the Paleo Prehistoric World- you will get a good idea of the premise for my blog. Healthy eating should not have to compromise in taste, flavor or variety. I believe that most of the foods we love can be paleo-fied into a similar and healthier version of the original. If you believe it too, and if you love to eat and/or enjoy cooking then you are a paleoodie!
The term "paleoodie" actually came from a joke between me and Andrew. It was our way to make Paleo + Foodie more glam...very much like brangelina, bennifer etc. And it is pronounced "pay-leo-oodie" or "pah-loo-deeeeee" or however you like. :)
I was shy about the blog initially, and very self-conscious about my writing and recipes so I procrastinated on getting the blog set up. Andrew got tired of waiting for me start and he set out to start the blog for me.
When he tried to set up different names for the blog, everything we thought of was taken. I guess I really was behind. Luckily for me, paleoodie was still available and it just seemed like fate. It sounded strange to me at first- the word was perhaps a bit too comical. But the more I thought about it the more the term seemed fitting for what I want to accomplish with the blog. More importantly, the comical aspect of the term seems more whimsical and fun to me now, which is very much in line with my personality and views.
So be a paleoodie and be proud!
Me like your food instructions. Since inventing fire I have found love of haute cuisine. Funny paleo joke: what has four legs but can't walk? Dead dinosaur. Hah!